
Letters: Californians, we’re hoarders

Re “There’s no excuse for hoarded cash,” Column, Aug. 2

George Skelton blames the governor and his predecessors for the “hoarded cash” in the state’s various special funds. The blame, rather, lies with California voters, who were persuaded by interest groups (highway contractors, crime victims, casinos and many others) to set up many of these special funds (there are more than 500 total) dedicated to fund these special activities.

In other words, California’s vaunted initiative process has destroyed any semblance of rational budgeting. The general fund is the only money subject to the legislative budget process; the special funds, currently about $40 billion, fund the interests of these groups, free of any controls by governing authorities.


California’s initiative program, once hailed as the way to introduce more democracy in government, has crippled it.

Leon Cooper



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