
Letters: CSU hunger strike

Re “Tuition costs prompt hunger strikes,” April 29

California State University spokesman Mike Uhlenkamp says the students planning hunger strikes to protest excessive executive compensation don’t understand the issues. It is the university that seems not to understand the issues.

I am a Cal State faculty member, and as such it is important to me that people understand that the university leadership does not represent the thousands of faculty and staff of Cal State. We stand with the students against excessive executive compensation.

It is my fervent hope that the students’ action, in conjunction with initiatives taken by faculty and staff, will not only stop further increases in executive compensation but also bring an end to the disastrous tenure of Chancellor Charles Reed.

Christopher Monty

Redondo Beach

The writer is an assistant history professor at Cal State Northridge.

Professor: On the May 2 letters page, writer Christopher Monty was incorrectly identified as an assistant professor at Cal State Northridge. He teaches at Cal State Dominguez Hills. —


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