
Letters: Greuel’s Home Depot heroism

Re “Greuel’s vote on Home Depot seen as possible conflict,” Feb. 18

To suggest that then-City Councilwoman Wendy Greuel’s opposition in 2007 to a Home Depot opening in her district may have involved a conflict of interest because of her 50% ownership of a building supply store in North Hollywood is absurd.

All the time I hear about neighborhood concerns getting swept under the rug so a big corporation can do whatever it wants and ignore the rules, and yet Greuel, now running for mayor, did her job and faces scrutiny. We had rallies in the streets to object to this project. We wanted to protect our community, our businesses and our children. Greuel made that happen, and that’s all there is to it.


Greuel was a great City Council member, and Sunland-Tujunga residents still remember her sticking up for us.

Abby Diamond



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