
Letters: The Postal Service’s pension predicament

Re “Saturday mail delivery slated to end in August,” Feb. 7

It’s called the U.S. Postal Service because it is a service, not a corporation. Who decided the Postal Service must be profitable? Do other government agencies, like the Defense Department and the Department of Education, have to turn a profit?

Benjamin Franklin was the first postmaster general, and the Post Office has effectively served the American people for 237 years. But now it is under attack because, gasp, it’s losing money. No wonder: The Republicans in 2006 made postal workers pre-fund their retirement 75 years in advance, making it nearly impossible for the USPS to make a profit.


Let’s be honest: Conservatives want to privative the Postal Service, home to two of the nation’s largest unions. If Congress insists that the USPS be profitable (and it shouldn’t), then the solution is simple: Raise the price of stamps a few cents.

Arlen Grossman


Here’s an idea to help revive the USPS: Bring back in an augmented form the banking functions it used to perform. The USPS should offer free banking services to all U.S. residents. Keep it simple: Offer each customer one account, don’t issue checks, encourage direct depositing and allow payments to be made with debit cards and online banking.

Sure, the new USPS bank would compete with private financial institutions. But those banks are unable to meet the needs of all people, many of whom cannot afford all their services. This idea is a winner.


Leslie Lisle

Thousand Oaks

I would welcome a five-day mail delivery. In fact, I wouldn’t mind a three- or four-day delivery. Since my mailbox generally contains only junk mail and bills, this new schedule would save me many steps between my mailbox and my recycle bin.

Bring it on.

Barbara Gary

Los Angeles


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