Primary Source
Running for office? Defending the free world? Saving the planet? Selling something interesting? Come in and visit the L.A. Times editorial board, where governors, prime ministers, activists and other prominent people converse around an oddly shaped table. Primary Source is a collection of highlights from these discussions: the sage, the solemn, the surprising and the strange.
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Craigslist founder Craig Newmark shares with Times editors his view of journalisms future in the digital age.
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A partial transcript of the recent discussion on the states budget crisis, national politics and more between the governor and Times editors and writers.
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Bank of Americas CEO discusses the housing crisis, the federal governments response and his companys acquisition of Countrywide.
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FDA commissioner Andrew C. von Eschenbach on salmonella, inspections and the changing food market
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Teri Schwartz and Robert B. Lawton on ethics, humanism and running the third film school in Los Angeles.
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Karen Bass talks budgeting and government reform with Times editors and reporters.
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The governor chats with The Times about his newly announced budget revisions, immigration reform, redistricting and Ugly Betty.
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LAPD Chief Bratton defends and clarifies the department policy that bars officers from enforcing U.S. immigration laws.
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Harut Sassounian on realpolitik and genocide.
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The mayor discusses L.A.’s budget shortfall and the new fiscal discipline
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Drug Policy Alliance head Ethan Nadelmann on addiction, legalization and smoking tobacco out of crack pipes.
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A partial transcript the Assembly of Turkish American Associations meeting with The Times editorial board.
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Californias longtime legislative analyst discusses fixing the states budget with The Times editorial board.
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Eli Broad and Michael Govan discuss their relationship.
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Sheila Kuehl discusses her objections to the governor’s health care plan.
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Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger explains his plan to reform the state’s budget process.
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U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab on open markets, fighting protectionist zealots and the anti-corruption aspects of trade agreements.
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A partial transcript of Lebanese American University President Joseph G. Jabbras discussion at The Times.
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The Save Darfur Coalition discusses its efforts to get meaningful intervention in Sudan.
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Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson takes on disclosure, foreclosure and getting closure on the sub-prime crisis.
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NFL Hall of Famer Jim Brown visits The Times to discuss easing L.A.’s gang problems.
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The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations talks Iran, Iraq, and intelligence.
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Lending advocates give us an earful about bailouts, modifications and the difference between victims and deadbeats.
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The incoming British ambassador to the United States speaks with the editorial board about Iraq, Europe, Africa and more.
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The California Nurses Association accuses Nunez and Schwarzenegger of putting up sham health care reforms.
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American Jewish Committee leader on Iran, Annapolis and the world.
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State Superintendent Jack O’Connell on getting underperforming students up to speed.
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Sen. George Runner on alternative plans, large and small overhauls and the problem of funding big plans
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LAUSD Superintendent David Brewer on English reclassification, payroll problems and failing schools.
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Heal the Bay’s vision for funding water projects, the city’s green initiative, and millions of trees
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Police Chief William Bratton on gangs, trash, driver’s licenses and Freakonomics
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American University of Cairo president David Arnold on politics, extremism and co-eds.
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Water and Power’s acting general manager makes the case for a rate hike.
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The City Attorney’s office defends drug sweeps down on skid row.
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A group of healthcare advocates meet the editorial board to discuss their hopes for state reform and fears of unaffordability.
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Former NRA executive Richard Feldman on the right way to combat gun violence (hint: it’s not more stringent gun control laws).
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Former U.N. ambassador John Bolton talks about pre-emptive strikes on Syria and Iran, and a shady North Korean connection in the Middle Eastern desert.
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East L.A. Community Corp. on gentrification’s next front
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Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan talks geopolitics
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‘Only when industries become economically irrelevant do they have political power,’ says CEI’s regulation-hatin’ Fred Smith
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Leaders of InnerCity Struggle discuss overcrowding, student mobility, charters and LAUSD.
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Liam McGee gives Bank of America’s take on the credit crunch
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Downtown’s biggest player worries about what will happen to his sports/entertainment “campus” if the poor keep getting poorer.
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A chat about foreign policy with the leader of the UK’s Conservative Party
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The L.A. Sheriff has a lot of ideas about how gangs can be fought, schools can be better run, and consciousness harnessed.
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The former presidential candidate assesses the Democratic primary field.
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San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom on his risky healthcare plan, the bad census, the price of scandal and rounding up the last homeless person.
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The Bush administration’s homeless czar talks about what might have been under Jimmy Hahn.
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Independent Sector CEO Diana Aviv discusses rating non-profits.
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Highlights from our talk with the Neighborhood Council Review Commission
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Jack Cole and David Fleming on the need to legalize drugs.
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Partial transcript of the governor’s September 19 visit to The Times’ Editorial Board.
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Highlights from the Israel Lobby authors’ visit to the editorial board.
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Highlights from the Sirius chief executive’s interview with The Times’ editorial board.