
The Times in Haiti

To convey Haiti’s devastation and the struggle of its people to survive, The Times dispatched three reporters and two photographers to the Caribbean nation. Tina Susman, the paper’s former Baghdad Bureau chief, who is now based in New York City, left within hours of the quake and was among the first foreign reporters to fly into Port-au-Prince, the Haitian capital.

She was followed hours later by California Section reporter Joe Mozingo, who has experience working in Haiti. Mexico City Bureau chief Tracy Wilkinson, a veteran Times foreign correspondent, drove in from the neighboring Dominican Republic.

Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Carolyn Cole also drove in Wednesday morning and began capturing images in the capital. And Rick Loomis, another Times Pulitzer winner, hopped a humanitarian aid flight from Miami the same day, filing his first pictures from a makeshift hospital on the tarmac at the Port-au-Prince airport.


This team is providing Times readers in print and on the Web with an intimate, up-to-the-minute portrait of this unfolding tragedy.
