
Son runs over ailing, elderly father in ‘unfortunate’ accident

In what appears to be a tragic accident for a San Bernardino family, a 46-year-old man ran over and killed his elderly father Wednesday as he arrived to pick him up for a dialysis appointment.

Alvis Prince Jr. was driving to pick up his 86-year-old father in the rear parking lot of the Arbor Apartment complex in the 300 block of East Rialto Avenue about 9 a.m. Wednesday, San Bernardino police said.

The elder Prince saw his son approaching and began walking to the car when he tripped and fell. Unable to stop, the younger Prince ran over his father, klling him, police said.


“There were no signs of intoxication and/or impairment of the driver and it seems as if this is an unfortunate accident,” police said in a statement.

No further details were available.

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