
Obama returning to Jay Leno show; Will traffic gridlock follow?

President Obama appears on NBC's "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno," in Burbank. His next scheduled appearance could mean more traffic headaches.
President Obama appears on NBC’s “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,” in Burbank. His next scheduled appearance could mean more traffic headaches.
(Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press)

Is another Obamajam on the way?

President Obama is scheduled to appear on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” on Aug. 6, ensuring yet another traffic headache for commuters.

The planned appearance, outlined during a White House press briefing on Wednesday, will make it the sixth time Obama has visited the famed NBC lot in Burbank -- the third since becoming president.

For the president’s last appearance on the show in October, Bob Hope Airport was host to Marine One and an extensive motorcade was cut through Burbank to get to the studio lot.


PHOTOS: President Obama arrives for ‘The Tonight Show’

The range of topics discussed by Obama on the show have been wide and varied over the years, from lighter fare like Roscoe’s House of Chicken and Waffles and “The Kardashians,” to the more serious, such as the death of Libyan dictator Moammar Kadafi and political gridlock in Congress.

Obama has been on a national tour promoting a new “grand bargain” that would cut corporate tax rates while also closing loopholes. The extra revenue would then allow more money for public infrastructure projects in an effort to create middle-class jobs.



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Times staff writer Christi Parsons contributed to this report.
