
Teens buy $150 in hamburgers and give them to the homeless

The two teenagers had a plan: Feed as many homeless people as possible in a single day and capture it all on video.

So last week, Lance Stewart and his friend Adin Kolansky walked into a McDonald’s in Los Angeles and ordered 100 McDouble hamburgers.

“One hundred?” the cashier asks in the video.

“I’m being dead serious,” Stewart replies.

Exactly $151.51 later, another cashier hands Stewart a large cardboard box filled with food. After putting the burgers in two bags, the teens hand them out to homeless people throughout the city.


“I just thought it would be a very great opportunity to go out and help out every single person I could possibly in a day,” Stewart told ABC-TV Channel 7. “We probably did it for about six hours straight, and it was a great opportunity.”

Stewart and Kolansky eventually run out of food to share, so they stop at a Rite Aid and fill two bags with water and Lunchables and set out again.

By Monday morning, the Facebook video had 8.9 million views. It was also posted on YouTube and Instagram.


“Something as little as food can have such a huge impact on some else’s life,” Stewart writes in the video. “We take so much for granted.”

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