
Times security camera shows Garcetti’s car moments after accident

60-year-old Juliet Nicolas is in “very stable” condition, says a hospital representative, after being struck Tuesday by a vehicle carrying Mayor Eric Garcetti in downtown L.A.

A video taken by a security camera on the Los Angeles Times building captured the scene at Spring and 2nd streets on Tuesday when an LAPD vehicle carrying Mayor Eric Garcetti allegedly struck a pedestrian.

The mayor was a passenger and was talking on a cellphone when the accident occured, city officials said. The woman was hospitalized overnight and her condition was stable, a USC County Medical Center spokeswoman said.

Accident investigators took a copy of the jerky video as part of their examination, according to a Times security official.


Because of the video’s slow frame-rate, it is difficult to tell the woman’s exact whereabouts before the mayor’s dark-colored vehicle -- heading east on 2nd Street -- hit her. Police said she appeared to be crossing 2nd Street against the light.

The vehicle can be seen stopping in the crosswalk, then turning south on Spring before coming to a halt a few yards down the street. About that time, a Los Angeles Police Department patrol car pulled into the intersection from the other side to block that lane of traffic.

The driver’s-side door of the mayor’s vehicle opens and someone steps out. Moments later, a passenger-side door opens and another person exits. Both appear to walk to where the woman was hit, at the rear of the truck that had stopped in the crosswalk. Officials declined to say if Garcetti got out of the vehicle at any point.


Just over two minutes after the accident, people return to the mayor’s vehicle, get in and drive away from the scene, heading south on Spring. Police officials said the vehicle returned after dropping Garcetti off at City Hall, just a few blocks away.

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