
Crime alerts for Granada Hills and 8 other L.A. neighborhoods

Crime reports are up significantly for the latest week in nine L.A. neighborhoods, according to an analysis of LAPD data by the Los Angeles Times’ Crime L.A. database.

Three neighborhoods reported a significant increase in violent crime. Granada Hills (A) was the most unusual, recording three reports compared with a weekly average of 0.5 over the last three months.

Adams-Normandie (D) topped the list of six neighborhoods with property crime alerts. It recorded nine property crimes compared with its weekly average of 4.2 over the last three months.


Alerts are based on an analysis of crime reports for June 8–June 14, the most recent seven days for which data are available.

Violent crime up significantly

Granada Hills 0.53
Downtown 16.628
Jefferson Park3.58

Property crime up significantly

Adams-Normandie 4.29
Beverly Crest 2.56
Manchester Square 8.013
Tujunga 6.311
Eagle Rock 11.517
Westchester 30.238

What triggers a crime alert? Learn about the process in the FAQ for our crime database.

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