
Runner-up 4

La Crescenta

Bonner needed to finish what he had started. The whole Vegas scene was his idea in the first place. It was a success and he was living high.

The operation got bigger when Falco jumped on board -- the congressman was easily manipulated so Bonner just got him women and made the guy happy.

When he met Palmieri in Cabo last year, the operation was instantly elevated to another level. A level way above Bonner’s head. Still, he believed he could successfully mediate between a greedy politician and a take-no-prisoners international drug dealer. Besides, Palmieri’s investment made the payoff worth all the hassle.


Although no one in the dining room knew what to do, Bonner decided to act.

While still holding his gun on Falco, he flipped open his cellphone and dialed Palmieri. “You in L.A. yet?” he asked.

“Are the Birds of Paradise nice there?”

“Not so much. You know where to go?”

“I’m on my way. I just got an interesting phone call by the way.”

The other occupants in the room were silent and frozen in place as Bonner listened to the rest of what Palmieri had to tell him. Finally, he closed his phone and smiled.

“I know a way out of this, folks.”

“You talk the talk, Bonner, but you have nothing to show for it,” Falco said.

He looked at the sweaty man. “I’m about to save your butt, Falco, so keep your comments to yourself.”


“How exactly are you going to save our butts?” Ernesto asked.

“He’s not. Don’t believe him,” Genie said. “He’s only trying to save himself.”

“Shut up, Genie. I might not make an arrangement for you since you owe me.”

“I don’t owe you nothing.”

“Can you guys save that for couples counseling?” Falco said. “Bonner, what are you talking about?”

Bonner looked back at Ernesto. “Palmieri’s on his way, and he told me to tell you the Bird of Paradise needs watering. He said you’d know what that meant. When you’ve done your thing, I need to make one more call and then we all wait it out.”

“What does that mean?” Falco shouted.

Ernesto and Bonner ignored the stupid politician as they stared at each other. Ernesto understood the message.


Without another word, Ernesto dragged Genie to the long dining room table, removed the flash drive from his pocket and placed it on the table.

Bonner nodded, took out his cellphone and dialed the number he had just memorized.

After recovering from the shock of seeing the name “Bonner” appear on Goon No. 2’s phone, Hauser finally flipped open the phone using his good arm; he could barely raise the other one.


“Here’s the situation,” Bonner said. “Your girl’s in here with a gun pointed at her. Palmieri’s on your back. The police aren’t coming. And you have a choice to make. If you make the right choice, you live. If not, well, there’s more than just your blood to be spilled.”

Kimberly Kaplan, a writer and stay-at-home mom, says this contest has made her a better writer.
