Maccabi Games
Girls watch a fellow dancer perform as they wait their turn at the Maccabi Games in Irvine. (Don Bartletti / LAT)
Nicole Stein, left, and Coral Kalush of Washington, D.C., sit offstage during the performances. The Olympic-style event draws Jewish teenagers from around the globe. (Don Bartletti / LAT)
Dancers Sophie Polins, left, and Shoshana Moyer of Boston check their makeup backstage. (Don Bartletti / LAT)
Coral Kalush, left, and Noa Mazia of Washington, D.C., perform a jazz duet. (Don Bartletti / LAT)
Josh Zimmerman, the only male performing in the jazz solo competition for ages 12 to 14, shows his flexibility in a piece titled “Stand Out.” (Don Bartletti / LAT)
Ali Speyer, left, and Lilli Weiner of Newport Beach mirror each other during their routine. (Don Bartletti / LAT)