
For the record - March 20, 2012

Andrea Marcovicci: In the March 17 Calendar section, a review of Andrea Marcovicci gave an incorrect phone number for the Gardenia in West Hollywood, where the singer is appearing. The correct number is (323) 467-7444.

Staff Sgt. Robert Bales: An article in Section A on March 17 about financial and career troubles faced by Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, accused in the killing of 16 Afghan citizens, said he was disappointed about not being promoted to the paygrade of first sergeant. The rank to which he would have been promoted is sergeant first class.

Los Angeles Marathon: An article in the March 19 Sports section incorrectly spelled the last name of Tania Gongora, the guide for legally blind competitor Christian Alvarado, as Gongoria.
