
For the record - Aug. 18, 2015

Tom Bradley legacy: In the Aug. 16 California section, a photo caption with a California Politics column about Mayor Tom Bradley described Alison Sotomayor as the maker of the documentary “Bridging the Divide.” Sotomayor and Lyn Goldfarb produced and wrote the film, and Goldfarb directed it.

LAPD history: In the Aug. 16 Arts & Books section, a review of the book “Blue: The LAPD and the Battle to Redeem American Policing” said that William Parker was chief of the Los Angeles Police Department through 1965. He was chief through July 1966, when he died of a heart attack.

Los Angeles history: In the Aug. 16 California section, an article about an exhibition of items representing Los Angeles’ history referred to El Pueblo de Los Angeles as being founded in 1871. It was founded in 1781.


Charter schools: In the Aug. 8 California section, an article about a project to expand the number of local charter schools identified John Deasy as “superintendent in residence” for the Broad Foundation. His position is with the Broad Center, which receives funding from the foundation.

“Watts Riot”: In the Aug. 16 Arts & Books section, an article about Noah Purifoy’s assemblage “Watts Riot” misspelled artist Betye Saar’s first name as Bettye.

Indian films: In the Aug. 15 Business section, an article about the Indian film industry’s efforts to move beyond Bollywood misspelled the name of analytics company Rentrak as Rentrack.


“We Come as Friends”: In the Aug. 16 Calendar section, a photo of residents in South Sudan that appeared with an article about the documentary “We Come as Friends” was credited to BBC Films. The correct credit is BBC Worldwide North America.

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