
For the record - Aug. 5, 2015

Convention Center design: A review in the Aug. 2 Arts & Books section about the proposed expansion for the Los Angeles Convention Center did not fully describe the city Bureau of Engineering’s procedure in this case for selecting architects. Teams of architects competing to design the expansion were not limited to the city’s pre-approved “on-call” list; local teams on the list were encouraged to form partnerships with outside firms with experience designing convention centers. The review also stated that Santa Monica had shown more ambition than Los Angeles by hiring the firms Koning Eizenberg and Kevin Daly Architects. Koning Eizenberg was once on L.A.’s pre-approved list, and Kevin Daly is working on a project for the city.

Pimco fund: A brief in the Aug. 4 Business section stated that investment management company Pimco had said the Securities and Exchange Commission may take legal action against its total return fund. The inquiry involves only Pimco’s Total Return Active Exchange Traded Fund.

Switch-hitters: In an article about baseball switch-hitters in the Aug. 3 Sports section, Pete Rose was identified as a member of baseball’s Hall of Fame. Rose, the game’s all-time hit leader, has not been inducted.


TSA: An article in the Aug. 2 California section about singer Morrissey’s allegation that he was groped by a security screener at San Francisco International Airport referred to the agency as the Transportation Safety Administration. It is the Transportation Security Administration.

Idaho ruling: An article in the Aug. 4 Section A said Mercy for Animals was one of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit that resulted in a federal judge striking down Idaho’s law criminalizing undercover videos in agricultural facilities. Mercy for Animals was not part of the lawsuit. In addition, the story omitted one of the states that have passed similar laws. They are Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, North Dakota, Utah and North Carolina.

Dietary patterns: In the Aug. 1 Saturday section, an article on advisors’ views on the upcoming Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015, misstated part of the title of Carolyn Katzin, a certified nutrition specialist and integrative oncology specialist at UCLA, as integrated oncology specialist.


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