
Today: Greek Drama Deepens. Evangelical Angst.

I'm Davan Maharaj, editor of the Los Angeles Times. Defiant Greece tries again to make its case to a wary Europe; and some black Evangelicals are feeling betrayed by the president on gay marriage. Here are some story lines I don't want you to miss today.


Greece on the Skids

Greeks may still be unclear about what they were voting on when they said "no" to a tough financial bailout plan their leaders opposed. Some influential Germans, however, think they know: It was a rude snub to creditors (Germany is the biggest) and a prelude to dumping the euro currency. Greece is rushing to negotiate a new rescue, but it's running out of time and good will.

Evangelical Angst

The Supreme Court made the key decision, but Evangelicals -- including many African Americans -- are holding President Obama responsible for the rise of gay-marriage rights. "If I could take it back, I would," said one about his vote for Obama. Seeing an attack on their Christian beliefs, church leaders pledge protests in the South reminiscent of those of the civil rights era.

Adios, Puerto Rico

"I love Puerto Rico, but we are a little island, and I have big dreams." With that, a student sums up an exodus that symbolizes the U.S. territory's economic nose dive. As the economy worsens, more people leave -- making the economy even worse. It's a vicious cycle. About 5.3 million Puerto Ricans now live stateside, and 3.5 million on the island. In 2003 the split was about even.

More Clinton Drama

David Brock has brought plenty of drama to Hillary Clinton's life. Once a ruthless right-winger, he nudged Paula Jones forward with sexual misconduct allegations against Bill Clinton and suggested Hillary had an affair with a White House advisor who killed himself. Now, he guides a network of super PACs central to her election campaign. This turnabout has an intriguing back story.

The Perils of Sexting

For many teens, it's irresistible fun. For many adults, it borders on high crime and immorality. The clash over "sexting" -- sending sexually explicit texts or photos, usually by cellphone -- can be big trouble for both sides: child-porn charges, trashed reputations, ruined relationships. Do adults need to lighten up, or do teens need more and fairer warning? Here's what L.A. schools are doing


-- L.A. signs off on studies that found no active fault under the Millennium Hollywood skyscraper development site, despite the state geologist's conclusion that there is one.

-- Police search for the killer of a woman on a Hollywood street in a brazen attack with a shotgun.

-- Neighbors of the Hollywood sign are suing the city over throngs of tourists they say are making residential streets unsafe.

-- The new Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital opens today in the Watts area on the site of the old King/Drew hospital. 


-- South Carolina's Senate votes 37-3 to remove a Confederate flag from the Statehouse grounds. The House votes today.

-- Donald Trump attempts to clarify his remarks disparaging Mexican immigrants. He meant the Mexican government.

-- A new sticking point in the Iran nuclear talks: Tehran wants an arms embargo lifted.

-- Francis draws huge crowds in Ecuador on his first visit as pope to Latin America.


-- L.A.-based American Apparel is closing some stores and laying off workers in an effort to turn around its business.

 -- A 13-story tower on Broadway will become downtown's latest boutique hotel, part of a trend the reflects a changing city center.

-- David Lazarus: Consumers win a round over heavy-handed Southern California debt collectors. 


-- Serena Williams handily dispatches sister Venus on center court at Wimbledon. The match fell short of the buildup, but that was fine with them.

-- Four Dodgers make the NL All-Star team, but not Clayton Kershaw.

-- Women's World Cup: The U.S. victory draws record TV ratings. Now the team faces a big transition.

-- The latest scores and stats.


-- Ringo Starr celebrates his 75th birthday today outside Capitol Records. Helping him out: David Lynch, Joe Walsh and Edgar Winter.

-- As the Grateful Dead bids farewell, here's a look back at the band's screen legacy.

Passings: Jerry Weintraub, 77, colorful Hollywood impresario and producer behind the "Karate Kid" and "Ocean's Eleven" films. Burt Shavitz, 80, founder of Burt's Bees natural cosmetics.


-- On the anniversary of Frida Kahlo's birth, Brain Pickings looks at her fateful first encounter with Diego Rivera.

-- "It's not every day that we help get hundreds of slaves freed," an AP editor tells Poynter.

-- The Daily Beast assesses "post-homophobic Christianity."

-- The Baltimore Sun takes an eerie look back at the Crownsville State Hospital for the Negro Insane.


July 4 is the worst holiday for animal lovers. At the East Valley Animal Shelter, they were bracing for many runaway pets spooked by fireworks. That meant a longer "red list" of executions of shelter dogs to make room. The ending was a little happier. Columnist Sandy Banks relates a triumph of love and ingenuity over habits and rules, and a tick in the win column for social media.

Please send comments and ideas to Davan Maharaj.
