
LAUSD by the numbers

Overall, L.A. Unified enrollment has decreased, but charter schools are growing. The district served over 300,000 lunches per day in fiscal year 2014-15. Approximately 79% of LAUSD students qualify for free or reduced-price meals.

Enrollment at L.A. Unified (1998-15)

Almost three-fourths of L.A. Unified’s students are Latino, but the same can’t be said about their teachers.

L.A. Unified’s SAT scores haven't changed much since 2009-10, but its graduation rate has been rising gradually.

Average L.A. Unified SAT scores by subject (2013-14)

Combined scores greater than or equal to 1500

L.A. Unified graduation rates (2009-14)

Number of students who dropped out of L.A. Unified schools (2013-14)

Source: L.A. Unified. Graphics reporting by Sonali Kohli
