Full Coverage: The anti-vaccination toll
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Aaron Carroll today offers a graphic depiction of the toll of the anti-vaccination movement.
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UPDATE: This post has been updated as explained below.
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And now, New York City.
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The anti-vaccination movement has long been a public menace.
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Having taken a fair amount of heat from the science-based community for her recent show promoting scare stories about an important immunological vaccine, Katie Couric has backed off.
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In light of what’s starting to look like a surge of measles cases spread by unvaccinated carriers, Hastings Law professor Dorit Rubinstein Reiss offers some welcome insights into the legal rights of unvaccinated children.
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The old line about a lie traveling halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on certainly applies to the supposed link between autism and the MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) vaccine-- in spades.