
The cost of a brain tumor

A severe health crisis leads to a financial crisis too in many American homes. A survey from the National Brain Tumor Foundation of patients and their caregivers shows the financial effect of a brain tumor diagnosis.

Had health insurance: 91%

Were employed before their diagnosis: 91%

Had a four-year college degree: 46%

Reported a household income of $75,000 or above: 38%

Were employed after their diagnosis: 33%

Were not receiving any disability benefits: 62%

Said that tumor-related expenses were a major problem: 59%

Borrowed money from family and friends to make ends meet: 42%

Incurred credit card debt to make ends meet: 47%

Said they spend more than $1,000 each month out of pocket on healthcare-related expenses: 42%

Reported a downward shift in household income: 48%

Source: National Brain Tumor Foundation. May 9, 2007. Nationwide survey of 491 patients and caregivers begun in the summer of 2006.


— Shari Roan
