Barry’s Bootcamp
Sean Bello, center, and Rhonda Smith, right, push themselves on the treadmill while others behind them work out with exercises on the floor at Barry’s Boootcamp in West Hollywood. The boot camp programs at Barry’s and other gyms help people to kick start their New Year’s fitness programs. (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)
Feel the burn. (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)
Barry Jay leads his people through an hourlong, high-energy session. (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)
Chris Verdugo lifts a dumbbell over his head. Earn that Krispy Kreme! (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)
Combining leg lifts with weights, Lola Davidson and the rest of her workout class sweat their way through Barry’s regimen. (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)
Every workout at Barry’s Bootcamp begins with a routine of stretching and warmup. (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)
Lola Davidson lifts the dumbbells in constant synchronous motion with up-tempo music propelling her. (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)
If it looks intense, that’s because it is. (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)
Chris Verdugo, left, sits on a treadmill and wipes his face with a towel while one of his classmates cools off next to him at the end of a session. (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times)