
Pakistani bride poisons husband’s milk, but ends up unintentionally killing 17 other people

The Daily Meal

A young woman forced to marry a man against her will tried to escape her fate by poisoning her new husband. Instead, she accidentally caused the deaths of 16 other people.

According to the Associated Press, a 21-year-old woman in Pakistan named Aasia Bibi adamantly did not want to marry her husband. He was a relative who had proposed marriage twice, and she had rejected him both times. She had a boyfriend whom she wanted to marry instead. The third time the other man asked, however, Bibi’s family forced her to marry him.

She was not happy with her forced marriage, and she reportedly tried to flee. She ran home to her parents and begged them to allow her to get a divorce. She allegedly told them she would do anything to get out of the marriage. They refused and sent her back.


A few days after that, on Thursday, October 26, Bibi allegedly poisoned a glass of milk and gave it to her husband. He did not drink it, though, and somehow his mother accidentally used the milk to make yogurt lassis for 27 members of their extended family. 17 people have died so far, including a four-year-old, a seven-year-old, and Bibi’s husband. 10 people are still hospitalized.

Bibi and her boyfriend were arrested on murder charges. Bibi told the court that her husband had been her only target, and she reportedly expressed remorse about the other deaths. Pakistan is listed among the most dangerous travel destinations.
