
For wine, beer, chocolate or coffee fanatics: Moleskine Passion

Cult notebook Moleskine’s Passion series includes a notebook for every burgeoning gastronome’s obsession. That would be dedicated notebooks for beer, chocolate and coffee. And now wine. Keep your notes all in one place so you don’t forget how much you liked that Musar Jeune from Chateau Musar in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley or that bar of Green & Black’s organic chocolate.

The Passions Wine Journal, billed as “your ideal wine cellar on paper,” has six sections to fill in: Sparkling, White, Rose, Red, Fortified/Sweet, Spirits. You can also use the six tabbed sections to personalize and scribble all over the additional 10 blank pages. Pages are set up to take your notes in an orderly fashion — name, country of origin, grapes, producer, suggested glass, price, ideal pairing and then appearance, nose and taste, etc. If your tasting notes are usually a mess, this might help.

Moleskines are lovely, and these aren’t just lined notebooks with special covers. The journals have been printed with sections that organize and focus your thoughts on the subject at hand.


Of course, do-it-yourselfers can always just buy a regular notebook and stick a postcard with the theme on the front and proceed happily.

But for those who must have a Moleskine, the Passion series can be purchased from Moleskine online for $19.95. Each notebook is 5 x 8.25 inches, 240 pages. Oh, now, perhaps they go too far: also included in the Passion Series — Dog Journal, Cat Journal, Baby Journal, Style Journal and more and more. . . .


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