
Pizzeria Mozza Newport Beach: Location, prices, details

Pizzeria Mozza Newport Beach

Rating: two-and-a-half stars

Rating is based on food, service and ambience, with price taken into account in relation to quality.

****: Outstanding on every level.

***: Excellent.

**: Very good.

*: Good.

No star: Poor to satisfactory.

Location: 800 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach, (949) 945-1126,

Price: Antipasti, $12; salads, $8 to $15; pizza, $17 to $24; panini, $14 to $15; piatti del giorno, $19 to $29; desserts, $10. Corkage fee, $30 per bottle, maximum two bottles not on wine list.


Details: Open 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.
