
Video: Jenn and Tonic: Booze, boba, Kriss Kross and a pretty rooftop at E.P. & L.P.

Alex Straus, beverage director at EP+LP in West Hollywood, describes how to make a Kriss Kross cocktail.

It doesn’t take much more than boba, booze and a ‘90s rap duo to get a #ThirstyThursday night going. Throw in a fabulous rooftop bar and things are going to get pretty next level.

On this week’s edition of Jenn and Tonic, we visit LP, the rooftop bar at E.P. & L.P. on the corner of La Cienega Boulevard and Melrose Avenue. Think twinkling lights, an über stylish crowd, a view of the city and cocktails so good you’ll want to do a happy dance.

In the video above, E.P. & L.P. beverage director Alex Straus demonstrates how to make a Kriss Kross. Yes, it’s named after the ‘90s rap duo.


The Kriss Kross combines coconut water, citrus, Thai lime leaves and your choice of gin or vodka. And it’s enough to make you want to jump, jump. You see what we just did there?



3 ounces coconut water

3/4 ounce Thai lime leaves

1 dash cardamom bitters

1/2 ounce fresh lime juice

1/2 ounce simple syrup

1 1/2 ounces vodka or gin

10 tonic boba pearls

Add boba to cup. Shake all other ingredients with crushed ice and pour over the boba.

*Note: This recipe has not been tested by the Los Angeles Times test kitchen.

E.P & L.P., 603 N. La Cienega Blvd, West Hollywood, (310) 855-9955,

For me, it’s always cocktail time. Follow me on Twitter @Jenn_Harris_
