
Wine? Coffee? Coffee Wine? A new drink for the undecided

Just as there are certain times for drinking coffee--mornings, afternoons, after dinner, but probably not after midnight--for most of us there are certain times for drinking wine--a glass with lunch, the aperitif hour, with dinner and after dinner.

It all seemed to be working so well until Friends Fun Wine, the Florida company best known for their low-alcohol party wines in a can (Sangria, Moscato in several iterations) came out with a new mash-up: Coffee Wine.

Coffee wine? Really?

Yes, really. The new beverage with just 6% alcohol comes in two flavors: Cabernet Coffee Espresso and Chardonnay Coffee Cappuccino. Each comes in an 8.4-ounce aluminum slim can, containing two servings per can.


The company’s Facebook page heralds its coming this way: “It’s a coffee illusion. It’s a wine revolution. It’s coffee. It’s wine. It’s the first Coffee Wine.”

But how does it taste?

I can’t even begin to imagine. And frankly, don’t want to.

But here’s the press release to the rescue:

“The Cabernet Coffee Espresso features a rich flavor of cabernet grapes, espresso coffee and a hint of chocolate, while Chardonnay Coffee Cappuccino features sweet, refreshing Chardonnay grapes with vanilla cappuccino coffee and smooth hints of chocolate.”

So it’s not only Coffee Wine, but Coffee Wine Chocolate?

I leave the reader to make the taste test when the product shows up on retail shelves later this year.


Follow @sirenevirbila for more on food and wine.
