California state lawmakers visit migrant caravan in Tijuana
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Tijuana — Members of the California state legislature visited a shelter in this Mexican border city that is putting up nearly 200 Central Americans who hope to obtain asylum in the United States.
The surprise visit last Thursday afternoon was organized so that lawmakers could see close up and in detail the conditions migrants are living in, so they can find these afflicted families a way out of their difficulties.
Susan Rubio, who represents eastern Los Angeles County in the California Senate, told the media the visit will allow the lawmakers to come up with a strategy for helping the Central Americans currently lodged in Tijuana in a number of shelters.
“Caring for the nutrition, health and studies in the case of minors” was one specific point she made.
She added that another migrant caravan is expected to attempt entry into the United States in the coming days, and for that reason it is necessary to know their needs in detail in order to suggest solutions to another group of US officials and so avoid another large-scale problem.
Rubio, a Democrat, said the current policies of President Donald Trump are delaying attention for those seeking political asylum.
The lawmakers looked around the two stories of the Contra Viento y Marea Inn, located in the North Zone of Tijuana and currently providing shelter for 160 Central American migrants awaiting their respective turns to be called to obtain political asylum.
Since mid-October, thousands of migrants eager to reach the United States have traveled in caravans from Central America.