Unicef says refugee children receive discriminatory treatment in Germany
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Berlin, Jun 21 (EFE). — Refugee children in Germany receive discriminatory treatment depending on their country of origin and the prospects for asylum and, generally speaking, they have limited or no access to health care and education, claims Unicef.
In a report released on Tuesday, the agency notes that children and young refugees in Germany live increasingly longer periods in an unfit environment for children and their right to protection, participation, health care and education is restricted for months.
The secretarygeneral of Unicef in Germany, Christian Schneider, stressed that all children have the same rights, regardless of where they come from, what community they belong and what their administrative residence status is, alluding to the U.N. Convention on children’s rights.
Unicef also expressed concern regarding the reception centers created for people with few chances of asylum, where the possibilities for children to have access to education are few and they are usually expelled from the country after six months.
Unicef insists that the welfare of children should be the measure for all decisions affecting refugee children.
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