
Late Night: Jon Stewart gives Obama some fundraising tips

Wednesday on “The Daily Show,” Jon Stewart offered up some unique fundraising tips to President Obama.

Following on the news Wednesday that billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who previously bankrolled Newt Gingrich’s campaign to the tune of $30 million, had shelled out another $10 million to Mitt Romney’s “super PAC,” Stewart suggested it was time to think big and move away from the small-donation model that fueled his 2008 campaign.

“No amount of Upper West Side kaffeeklatsches is going to add up to a couple of billionaires on a mission,” he said. “You need to monetize this presidency. You’re leaving too much money on the table.”


Among Stewart’s proposals: Prominent product placement at the next joint session of Congress, a “Seal Team Trix”-branded cereal, and even a $2,500 CD of his greatest hits.

“You’re a likable guy with a lot of talents. If you want to remain president, you’re going to have to exploit all of them,” he said.


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