
Series finale of ‘The Night Of’ is television at its best

Regarding “‘The Night Of’ Finale” [Aug. 25]. This was television at an all-time best. Outstanding story and superior acting. John Turturro and Bill Camp should press on, they are great.

Vance Lerner


Music at its worst

Regarding “MTV VMAs” [Aug. 29]. The Video Music Awards is a true testament to the difference between being an artist and being a performer, as evidenced by all the lip-syncing that was so obvious. Music just isn’t what it used to be.

Paige Zito

Valley Village

Canadian band’s swan song

Regarding “Overrated/Underrated: The Tragically Hip” [Aug. 28]. Their last concert wasn’t held in Toronto but in Kingston, the band’s hometown. Our prime minister, Justin Trudeau, attended the concert like a regular citizen in jeans, a Tragically Hip T-shirt and leather jacket.


Carol-Lee Marshall

La Verne

Where another man has gone before

Regarding “His Future was Dilithium Crystal Clear” [Aug. 28]. William Marcellino wrote that “Star Trek” inspired him “to become a scientist” who has thrived. I am reminded that “Star Trek’s” Mr. Spock inspired a young Barack Obama to become a president who has lived long and prospered.

David Tulanian

Los Angeles

Same old routines won’t work

Eddie Murphy notes that “it’s a brand new world” and he is still trying to “figure out what the new normal is” [“Murphy Takes a Dramatic Turn,” Aug. 28]. Indeed. Jokes about people dying of AIDS don’t work like they did 35 years ago. Without such jokes, would Murphy have ever become a star in the first place?

Craig Loftin

Long Beach

Making Oscar voting easy

I’m sure it was a great relief to academy voters that The Times has provided the list of films they must choose from to make sure the 2016 nominees are properly diverse [“Diverse Oscars Options Beyond ‘Birth,’” Aug. 22]. They don’t even have to see the movies, just make sure one or two end up in the best picture list and a handful of the performances make the acting categories. Otherwise, it will be clear that Hollywood is just as racist as the original “Birth of a Nation.”


Doug List


Professionals should get paid

Regarding “Improving Stage Presence,” [Aug. 28]. As an Actors’ Equity member now living in Los Angeles, I believe AEA is acting in our collective good faith – doing their job in fact – by attempting to guarantee actors at least minimum wage for their time. In this current political climate it seems ironic that any actor would support raising the national minimum wage without securing at least that for themselves.

Chris Jorie


Herb Alpert’s smart philanthropy

Regarding “A Big Win for Music Majors” [Aug. 26]. I love Herb Alpert’s music, and the music of his wife, Lani Hall. But as a 20-year student aid administrator, I have also deeply respected Mr. Alpert’s philanthropy – and his deep commitment to music education, which he has backed up in words and deeds many times over the years. This wonderful gift to Los Angeles City College is just another example. Why this man is not a Kennedy Center honoree absolutely boggles my mind.

David Smedley

Fort Worth

Thumbs up for Calendar classical music reviews

I want to thank the Calendar staff for continuing to publish the well-written reviews of the classical music scene in Los Angeles. I point to the review of Ken-David Masur’s Los Angeles Philharmonic debut by Rick Schultz [“Ken-David Masur Takes the 5th,” Aug. 25] as a classic example of such fine writing, which goes into great depth about the man, the music performed, the artistry, combined with history and insights into conducting. Wonderful.


John Meyer


Films for the faithful

Regarding “The Trite Vision of Faith in a New ‘Ben-Hur’” [Aug. 20]. Plaudits to Justin Chang for his superb deconstruction of the “Ben-Hur” remake. He aptly laments how so few faith-based film productions are “willing to risk scorn and absurdity in order to grapple with the agony and ecstasy of following God.” Though an agnostic, I can’t imagine a more worthy critique of “Ben-Hur” being written by any nonbeliever.

Gary Dolgin

Santa Monica

The AFI and Nate Parker

The American Film Institute won’t show Nate Parker’s “Birth of the Nation” [AFI Won’t Show ‘Birth’ for Now,” Aug. 25] even though he was acquitted in court? Is the AFI still screening Woody Allen films?

Henry Hespenheide

Hermosa Beach

A great performer

Thank you, Margaret Gray, for your theater review [“Bernstein Lives in ‘Maestro’” Aug. 24]. This life-long music lover has been pleased to see the truly gifted Hershey Felder’s many performances over the years including his musical profiles of Chopin, Beethoven, Liszt and others.

I strongly urge you if in our area, to get thee to the Wallis Theatre, in Beverly Hills, and give yourself a transcendent experience, all the more needed as our minds are fractured with election drivel and world chaos.

Elaine Livesey-Fassel

Los Angeles

Maybe never is better

Regarding “Same Ol’ Same Ol’ Senior Moment: ‘Better Late Than Never’” [Aug. 23]. The fact that Henry Winkler has gotten himself involved in this proves that once again the Fonz has “jumped the shark.”

Sylvia Dohnal

