
Jimmy Fallon and J-Lo get into a pants battle on ‘The Tonight Show’

It’s the tale of two tight pants.

Jennifer Lopez danced alongside Jimmy Fallon on “The Tonight Show” Monday night in a quest to solve the ultimate question — who has tighter pants?

Wearing a bowl-cut wig, a snug sweater and a pair of tight white pants, Fallon started off with a bold statement. “Everybody’s talking about my tight pants. I’ve got my tight pants. I’ve got my tight pants on.”

After Fallon’s brief solo dancing stint, Lopez enters the equation. She’s sporting an almost identical look as Fallon. Fallon continues to dance as Lopez, 44, makes her claims.


“I can swing my arms, I can shake my hips. . . I’m the only chick wearing tight pants, and I’m the only one.”

After the characters go on to exchange details of the praise their pants have received from esteemed government officials, conversation gets dicey. Lopez warns of cutting Fallon’s father, scratching him, and to not make her take off her heels. To underscore the point, Lopez removes a single hoop earring.

Eventually, the 35-year old Fallon accepts defeat and trots off stage. “I guess I’ll find yet another new town,” he says.


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