
‘Avengers: Infinity War’: Everything you need to know about the Marvel universe

The 19th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, “Avengers: Infinity War,” is released Friday. Before you see it, catch up on the important details you need to know.

Ever since Sam Jackson’s Nick Fury walked into Tony Stark’s (Robert Downey Jr.) high-rise and presented him with info on creating the Avengers (all the way back in 2008’s “Iron Man”), the battle waged in “Avengers: Infinity War” has been the most anticipated event in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Now it’s here, but do you have time to sift through your mind’s memory banks to recall what’s important and what’s cosmic dust? Why are Captain America (Chris Evans) and Iron Man feuding? What’s the deal with Bucky (Sebastian Stan), a.k.a. the Winter Solider? And most importantly, who is Thanos (Josh Brolin), the main villain in “Avengers: Infinity War”? Well, the handy video above will brush you up on everything you need to know before seeing “Infinity War.”

READ MORE: Surviving 30 hours of Marvel movies »

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