
First ‘Ash Vs. Evil Dead’ trailer brings back the blood, lots and lots of blood

The first ever footage of "Ash vs. Evil Dead" was screeened at San Diego Comic-Con during the TV panel with "Evil Dead" alums Bruce Campbell, Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi, showrunner Craig DeGregario and newcomer Lucy Lawless.

And the good news for the folks who like their horror with zooming cameras and buckets of blood: The new "Ash vs. Evil Dead" trailer has gallons of it.

The new trailer fits right in step with the previous "Evil Dead" franchise created by Raimi and Campbell. In fact, Campbell has returned to play his character Ash, a few years down the road. But still very much weird, chin mugging Ash. And yes, he's still got the "boomstick," a phrase Campbell trotted out at the Comic-Con panel.

"He's got to have the boomstick," Campbell said. The boomstick in question is Campbell's gun, not anything salacious, "There are certain things that you just can't do without. Will he be a lothario? Yeah, maybe a little bit."

But that didn't stop Campbell from asking the audience outright if there was anyone who would consider having sex with him. Hands shot up, men and women, and it made Campbell feel good to know that he still had it.

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In the end, Raimi hinted that Ash would have a different kind of hand in the series -- maybe not one that we've seen before. Campbell is ready for a new Ash as well. It's time to get Ash out of his cabin.

"Ash can't just be alone in a cabin breaking things over his head," said Campbell. "He has to interact with other humans. The fun has been ... How does he talk to other people? How does he consider himself? Does he lie a lot? It's an awesome character to play because he's one of the most flawed heroes, and to exploit that gives me great pleasure. And Sam loves to hurt me in his shows and movie. That hasn't changed. Thankfully, he's older too, so when he hits me with a stick, it doesn't have the same juice."

To which Raimi responded, "Wanna find out?!"

The series is currently in production in New Zealand. The 10-episode first season will be made up of half house series and will premiere on Starz on Oct. 31. That's Halloween for nonbelievers.

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