
‘You’re gonna get our baby killed’: Woman pleads as boyfriend flees police, livestreams car chase

A woman holding an infant exiting a car
A woman holding an infant exits a vehicle that led police on a high-speed chase around Los Angeles on Wednesday.

A suspect in an armed robbery led police on a high-speed pursuit around Los Angeles on Wednesday, and while television cameras captured the chase from their helicopters, the suspect himself recorded the chase on his Instagram Live with a mother and infant in the backseat.

The man, who was taken into custody by Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies, was one of three suspects in an armed robbery in Beverly Hills on Wednesday, according to KTLA-TV. Sheriff’s Department officials did not provide information on the suspect’s identity Thursday morning.

While two of the men were arrested, the third was picked up by his girlfriend, who had the suspect’s baby in the car as well, and the suspect began leading police on a chase through the streets of downtown Los Angeles and Hawthorne, according to the Sheriff’s Department.


During the chase, a confrontation between the suspect and the woman in his car unfolded, which was broadcast live on his Instagram account, according to KTLA.

“You’re not thinking about your baby right now,” the woman yelled at the suspect. “You’re gonna get our baby killed.”

“They gonna smoke me,” the suspect says in the video, referring to officers potentially shooting him.


“I don’t want to go back to jail,” he says at one point as the woman screams in the background.

“It’s over. It’s reality,” the woman responds.

She called on him to pull over.

The suspect was eventually arrested in Blair Hills on a dead-end street, according to KTLA.

After the woman and baby got out of the car, the suspect exited as well and hugged the two before putting his hands up and surrendering to sheriff’s deputies.


“Not only is this guy driving like a madman... [he has] his 2-month-old daughter in the car and his child’s mother,” Deputy Tony Lomedico said. “In situations like these the bad guys use the baby as a shield. It’s a great moment of cowardice.”

The man and woman were both taken into custody and the Sheriff’s Department took the baby.
