
Parachutist killed in jump from balcony of San Diego high-rise, police say

High-rise apartment building where a man died in an apparent parachuting mishap after jumping from a balcony
High-rise apartment building in the University City neighborhood of San Diego where a man died in an apparent parachuting mishap after jumping from a balcony
(Google Street View)

A man died Tuesday night after jumping from a balcony at a high-rise apartment building in University City in an apparent parachuting mishap, San Diego police said.

The man, whose age was unavailable, was wearing a helmet and was equipped with a parachute, police said. It appeared the parachute failed to open, Sgt. Kevin Gibson said.

The incident was reported about 10:30 p.m. at an apartment building near the Westfield UTC shopping mall in northwest San Diego. According to police radio traffic, a 911 caller heard a “loud pop” similar to a gunshot, stepped onto a balcony and saw a person bleeding on the ground.


Officers and paramedics tried to resuscitate the man, but he died at the scene.
