
Palm Springs orders all restaurants, bars to close early

Unmasked customers sit on an outdoor patio
Unmasked customers enjoy the outdoor seating at the Marlin Bar in downtown Palm Springs.
(Gina Ferazzi/Los Angeles Times)

Starting Friday, Palm Springs revelers gathering in restaurants, bars, wineries, distilleries and breweries will be asked to leave early due to the persistent threat of the novel coronavirus, city officials said in a news release.

The new rule, ordered by the city’s director of emergency services on Tuesday, dictates that these establishments must close by 11 p.m. or risk facing fines, orders to shut down or the revocation of licences, including a facility’s business license.

Guests arriving before 10 p.m. will be allowed to stay if individual businesses allow it, but no guests will be allowed to be seated after that time, according to the new order.


Between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m., only employees needed to operate the businesses are allowed in these facilities.
