Everything to know about wildfires

California’s wildfire seasons are getting longer and more extreme, so the time to prepare is now. Here’s what to do if you have to evacuate, if the air quality is poor or if the power goes out. You can also take steps to fireproof your home and get children and pets ready.
Drought, climate change and an early start to fire season mean this fall could be one of fire, smoke, poor air quality and evacuations in Southern California. Here’s how you can prepare now.
Experts say air purifiers can be helpful in combatting the spread of COVID-19, as well as other harmful particles filling the air from wildfires.
Here’s some advice for keeping the air in your home clean when wildfire smoke has made outdoor air quality hazardous.
Here’s how to interpret the air quality numbers you see when you look at air quality maps or readouts on smartphone weather apps.
If air purifiers are sold out or out of your budget, a simple air filter taped to a box fan can filter harmful particulate matter and keep it out of your lungs and bloodstream. Here’s what you need to know.
Track wildfire origins, perimeters and air pollution with the L.A. Times California wildfires map.
Here are some tips to keep your pets and large animals safe during a wildfire.
The best way to get through a wildfire safely is to prepare for it. Here are some key points to remember.
One key to getting through any emergency situation is preparation.
When there’s a risk of a blackout, how do you prepare? And what should you do — and not do — when one is happening and after it’s over?
Experts say parents shouldn’t buy particle masks for small children. But there are other measures they should take to limit smoke exposure during a wildfire.
Buy a portable air filter in advance of fire season, one expert said, ‘because once there’s a fire and the smoke is bad, then there’s a run on them.’
Fireworks are fun — and dangerous, and possibly illegal where you are. But L.A. loves them anyways. Here’s how to be as safe as possible while using them.