
Do It Yourself Staging

In today’s real estate market, to make the sale, it is more essential than ever to stage; to transform the property from a living environment to a desirable, highly marketable product. The real estate market is tough and you need an edge on the competition. Staging is that edge.

Staging is more than just cleaning up, de-cluttering, and making any necessary repairs. It is about the presentation of your property. The goal of staging is to display the potential of each room or space to prospective buyers and create positive first impressions: to engage them and appeal to their emotions. You want them to envision themselves here and imaging how their furnishings would work or how they would decorate.

Staging with your own furnishings is cost-effective and efficient. With some simple planning and then fine tuning at the end, your property will rise above the competition.


The basic staging concepts and design principles are what will make it all come together. They are easy to understand and apply. Here are some easy tips to follow:

• The most important principle is not to overcrowd the room or space. You want the areas to look as large as possible.
• Balance is the proportional use and placement of furnishings in a space. A balanced room creates harmony. An unbalanced can cause the wrong reaction in prospective buyers and they may not even realize why.
• Focal points are points of focus for the eye. They can be natural, like a fireplace or picture window or created like art work. Natural focal points are strong selling features. Key rooms should have a focal point and your room design should frame it so the buyers’ eye is drawn to it.
• Lighting controls how space is seen. Make sure your lighting in each room is adjusted to optimize the presentation.
Editor’s Note: Kathey Carter is the Creative Director for Katchart LLC. For more information, go to
