
T-Mobile offers free download of ‘The Avengers’ on Galaxy S III

T-Mobile is trying to set its version of the Galaxy S III smartphones apart from rival carriers by giving it one feature they don’t have: a free digital copy of “Marvel’s The Avengers.”

The mobile carrier said that new and existing customers with a T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S III will be able to go to the Samsung Media Hub and download the popular superhero movie when it launches Tuesday.

That’s a cool promotion, but it’s unclear just how much a free movie will help T-Mobile, which has a complicated pricing system for the flagship Samsung phone.


If you sign a two-year contract with a Value voice and data plan, you can get the 16 GB version for $229.99 or the 32 GB version for $279.99. If you get it with a two-year contract on a Classic voice and data plan, the price goes up to $279.99 for the 16 GB model and $329.99 for the 32 GB model -- and that’s only after you mail in a rebate card.

By comparison, AT&T;, Verizon and Sprint carry the 16 GB Galaxy S III and sell it for about $200. Verizon and Sprint also sell the 32 GB model for about $250. But AT&T; and Verizon don’t have unlimited data plans, which means you may have to pay more on a monthly basis.


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