
Angelenos on healthcare ruling: ‘I wish I didn’t have to pay more’

Some Los Angeles residents hailed the Supreme Court’s healthcare ruling Thursday morning as good for the poor and uninsured, while others questioned whether people are being overtaxed.

TV producer Lorraine Lewis said she heard about the ruling as she heading out the door to play catch with her dogs Ca$h and Christina.

“I wish I didn’t have to pay more,” said the 53-year-old downtown Los Angeles resident, “but I wish it was more affordable to have healthcare.”


Lewis said she pays about $268 a month for her healthcare, which includes dental, but she wonders if the bill that made it through the nation’s highest court is the best option available.

“I wish we had healthcare -- I hate to say it -- more like Canada” with universal healthcare coverage, she said as she threw a tennis ball to Ca$h, a Jack Russell terrier.

Lewis said it’s hard for her to see people in need on downtown streets. “I’m pretty fortunate I can pay $268 for myself,” she said.


Others downtown were divided. “I’m against it,” said Tina Houston, a 46-year-old legal secretary. She echoed support for Canada’s healthcare system but said she didn’t want to foot the bill for services to illegal immigrants.

“I don’t believe the people who already have healthcare through work should be overtaxed,” Houston said.

Juan Carlos Sanchez, a 30-year-old law student living in Los Angeles for the summer, had been following the decision closely.


“I wasn’t expecting it,” he said. “I feel the mandate helps this nation get where it needs to be to protect its most vulnerable by providing them with basic healthcare.”

william.d’[email protected]
