
Journalist Jorge Ramos to publish new book, ‘Take a Stand’

Jorge Ramos questions Donald Trump at a campaign event in Dubuque, Iowa, on Aug. 25.

Jorge Ramos questions Donald Trump at a campaign event in Dubuque, Iowa, on Aug. 25.

(Scott Olson / Getty Images)

Television journalist and author Jorge Ramos will publish his new book, “Take a Stand,” in March. The book, subtitled “Lessons from Rebels,” is to be published simultaneously in English and Spanish (as “Sin Meido”).

As the lead anchor of Univision’s nightly news, host of the Spanish-language network’s weekly public affairs program, “Al Punto,” an anchor at Fusion and one of Time magazine’s “100 most influential people,” Ramos is a well-known and widely respected journalist.

He made headlines in August when he became part of the story he was covering during a Donald Trump news conference in Iowa. Ramos was trying to ask the Republican presidential hopeful a question about immigration when Trump told him to “sit down” and then instructed him to “go back to Univision.” Then he was removed from the room by security.


“I knew ... he wasn’t going to like it,” Ramos later told CNN. “But I never expected that instead of answering my questions, he was going to call his security detail to throw me out.”

On that day in Iowa, Ramos later returned and pressed Trump to respond to questions about his immigration proposals, which include a wall the length of our shared border with Mexico (described by one expert as “moronic”).

It’s Ramos’ encounters with political and cultural leaders that will be the focus of “Take a Stand”/”Sin Meido.” Publisher Celebra describes the book as “candid and at times controversial.” It will include interviews and Ramos’ commentary about them.


Ramos is a bestselling author, a memoirist and political observer. His new book, Celebra promises, “shines a light on the concerns that influence Hispanics, the largest minority in the country. These concerns will undoubtedly shape not only the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, but also the overall future of America.”

“Being a journalist is as exciting now as it was when I started, and I’m thrilled to be in the mix every day,” Ramos said in a news release. “For thirty years I’ve met the most interesting newsmakers from around the globe. Each of them taught me something -- about myself and the world we live in.”

Interviews that Ramos conducted with President Obama, Cuba’s Fidel Castro, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, director Spike Lee, TV personality Barbara Walters and more will appear in the book. We’ll have to wait until March to see if it includes his exchange with Trump.


Book news and more; I’m @paperhaus on Twitter
