
Happening Monday: Lucy Walker at Cinefamily


“Doc U” Join the Cinefamily for a rousing “Doc U” session featuring a live appearance by celebrated documentary filmmaker Lucy Walker. Walker’s documentaries have turned heads at many of the world’s best film festivals. They include “Waste Land,” “Countdown to Zero,” “Blindsight” and “Devil’s Playground.” An onstage presentation with film clips will be followed by an audience Q&A and a patio reception. The Cinefamily, 611 N. Fairfax Ave., L.A. 7:30 p.m. $20. (323) 655-2510;


Michael Connelly Former Los Angeles Times crime reporter Michael Connelly stops by Skylight Books to discuss “The Reversal,” his 16th novel to feature LAPD Detective Hieronymus “Harry” Bosch. In hopes of putting away a newly released child killer, Bosch unites with longtime defense attorney Mickey Haller, who has been forced to don the title of prosecutor for the ultimate role reversal. Skylight Books, 1818 N. Vermont Ave., L.A. 7:30 p.m. Free.


Mumford & Sons Mumford’s intricate and immaculate pub-folk comes from four musicians preternaturally talented at old ideas about acoustic arrangements and lyrical storytelling. But they use so many au courant ways to get there — swooning four-part harmonies, instrument-swapping, occasional punkish breakdowns — that their sets feel like star-making turns. Hollywood Palladium, 6215 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood. 7 p.m. $36.25. (323) 962-7600.


Foals The Robert Fripp-influenced math rockers from Oxford, England, have strict rules about songwriting — no guitar chords ever, and make sure the esoteric lyrics are head-scratchers. Expect Bloc Party-style dance rock rhythms encased in Television-like post-punk flurries. Esben and the Witch open. El Rey Theatre, 5515 Wilshire Blvd., L.A. 8 p.m. $16. (323) 936-6400.
