
For the record - July 2, 2010

John Wooden obituary: The obituary on John Wooden that ran in Section A on June 5 and in a commemorative section June 13 included information attributed to former UCLA basketball player Andy Hill regarding controversial booster Sam Gilbert. The article reported that Hill had told The Times that former team trainer Elvin “Ducky” Drake was something of a watchdog for the team, and that Drake had apparently missed what was going on with Gilbert. Hill says that he did not discuss that with the reporter and that Drake would not have been in a position to do anything to detect Gilbert’s involvement or stop Gilbert from any inappropriate action.

BART murder trial: A June 24 story in the LATExtra section about the trial of a former BART transit officer charged with murder in the shooting of an unarmed man identified the victim, Oscar J. Grant III, as being 26. He was 22.

Robert Shapazian: A news obituary in the June 25 LATExtra section on Robert Shapazian, founding director of the Gagosian Gallery in Beverly Hills, said that he was director of Venice-based Lapis Press from 1986 until its closing in 1994. Shapazian left Lapis in 1994 after the death of artist Sam Francis, who founded the press. Lapis Press remains in operation.

Las Vegas train: A June 20 Travel article about the future of rail travel between Las Vegas and Southern California included an assertion from Richann Bender, head of the group lobbying for a maglev train, that a competitor’s proposed terminus in Victorville was just past the halfway point between Vegas and metropolitan L.A. Victorville is 85 miles from Los Angeles and 185 miles from Las Vegas.

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