
Skip the Viagra prescription -- it might not be needed

So many male-performance supplements contain actual drugs, or their cousins, used to treat erectile dysfunction, it would appear many men could skip the doctor and head straight for the supplement shelves.

In recent days, the Food and Drug Administration has announced these recalls:

-On Aug. 10: Novacare LLC Conducts Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Products Found to Contain Undeclared Drug Ingredient ... The product appears to contain sulfoaildenafil, an analogue of sildenafil (more commonly known as Viagra or Revatio).

-On Aug. 9: Prolatis Issues a Voluntary Nationwide Recall of its product Prolatis; Marketed as Dietary Supplement prior to August 9, 2010 ... Ditto the sulfoaildenafil.

-On Aug. 6: EZVille Ltd. Issues a Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Revive Extra Strength Found to Contain an Undeclared Drug Ingredient ... Ah, but this one contained tadalafil (usually referred to as Cialis).

-On July 28: Nutraloid Labs Inc. Conducts Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Two Dietary Supplements Found to Contain Undeclared Drug Ingredient ... Back to sulfoaildenafil.

And then there was this recall of Good Health’s Vialipro (one guess what was in it), as described in a July 22 Booster Shots post, Notice anything unusual, i.e. effective, about those weight-loss and sex supplements?

Such supplements have a history of containing these “undisclosed” ingredients -- and of being recalled for them. With that in mind, perhaps a prescription might be in order after all...

The prescription versions are safer -- dosage controlled and all that. They’ve been more thoroughly tested than their supplement cousins. They come with clearly stated interactions and precautions. And, with so many supplements being pulled from the market, they may be more easily obtained.

-- Tami Dennis / Los Angeles Times
