
LAUSD’s flu campaign

Re “A shot at swine flu,” Editorial, Oct. 20

I take exception with your recent editorial that characterizes the Los Angeles Unified School District as not following through on this round of H1N1 vaccinations. Nothing could be further from the truth. The LAUSD has consistently worked with health officials to ensure a timely response to pandemic flu and to mitigate the spread of disease on our campuses. The LAUSD has enacted forward-thinking policies and procedures, including the current timely distribution of the small amount of H1N1 vaccine that has been made available to the district. We will provide inoculations in some school clinics in each of our local districts when we are allotted more vaccine.

However, given limited quantities of the H1N1 vaccine and a shortage of school nurses, the LAUSD will be challenged to provide vaccines for more than 688,000 students. To this end, we will continue to work closely with the county Department of Public Health to keep students safe and healthy.

Ramon C. Cortines

Los Angeles

The writer is the LAUSD superintendent.
