
Sotomayor limps through Capitol Hill

Associated Press

Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor hobbled through a packed day of meetings Monday on Capitol Hill after breaking an ankle in an early morning airport stumble.

The federal appeals court judge, who has been keeping a busy set of appointments with senators who will vote on her confirmation, tripped while rushing for her plane at LaGuardia Airport in New York.

After her arrival in Washington, she went to the White House, where a physician examined her and sent her to a local medical office for an X-ray.


The White House said she suffered a small fracture to her right ankle.

Sotomayor made the meetings with senators despite her injury.

She entered the Capitol for a meeting with Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) on crutches, wearing a cast.

Asked how she was feeling, Sotomayor said, “I feel fine, thank you.”
