
Remembering Tiananmen

Re “China is trying to smother any marking of anniversary,” June 3

June 4 was the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.

There seems to be an enormous amount of American press devoted to pointing fingers at the Chinese for their convenient “forgetting” of this event.

Americans, however, seem to have conveniently forgotten the date of May 4 -- the anniversary of the Kent State massacre, when innocent protesters were shot by the National Guard.

Russell Johnson

Los Angeles


Re “Broken China,” Opinion, June 4

To see the photo on your Op-Ed page of June 4 births a heartbreaking reminder of June 6, 1989:


Young students, kneeling in silence, their faces aglow with the beauty of idealistic resolve, to be within moments ripped apart by gunfire.

We watch on TV as these brave young people demonstrate their affection for American democracy and demand its adoption in China.

And we mourn in advance because we know what may soon happen.

Ronald E. Maxson

Los Angeles
