
Unhealthy choice

Re “Health cuts for illegal immigrants,” April 27

The Times notes that some counties are barring undocumented immigrants from all but emergency healthcare to save money. That means that the undocumented day-care workers, restaurant busboys, cashiers and other service workers with flu symptoms will be discouraged from seeking care and will drag themselves to work instead.

As the swine flu scare grows, is that really what we want?

Steven P. Wallace

Los Angeles

The writer is associate director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.

Cutting healthcare to illegal immigrants is a step in the right direction for the counties of California.

Although this may in the short term contribute to the already bad problem of overcrowding in our hospital emergency rooms, we cannot continue to support all of the illegal immigrants living in our country, especially in this current time of economic downturn.


Chris Dimler

Coto de Caza
