
Harman’s troubles

Re “The real story behind a faux scandal,” Opinion, April 22

Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice) is entitled to a presumption of innocence regarding the allegations that she offered to intervene on behalf of pro-Israeli lobbyists for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in exchange for support for her to be named chairwoman of the House Intelligence Committee.

However, let us not lose sight of the seriousness of the allegations. If true, Harman was seeking to gain authority in the U.S. government by acting in the interest of a foreign government. This would raise the question: What country’s interests does Harman serve?

Scott Bentley



When Harman, who represents perhaps the most liberal congressional district in the country, voted with President George W. Bush to authorize the Iraq war, she betrayed that she was only interested in advancing her own political ambitions.


How ironic it is that, as one of the earliest supporters of Bush’s warrantless wiretapping agenda, she has apparently been hoist by her own petard.

I don’t understand how Tim Rutten can blithely dismiss all of this as a “faux scandal.” Apparently there was a conversation -- and the contradictions and stonewalling in Harman’s comments lead me to guess that the whole story will be bigger than we currently suspect.

The question we should be asking is why this information is only coming out now.

Rick Krizman

Santa Monica
