
A threat from the far right?

Re “Right-wing extremists seen as threat,” April 16

I’m very upset about the out-of-control spending by our government, illegal immigration and the takeover by our government (while denying they wish to retain control) of private industry.

I’m also very conservative, and I wish I could have attended one of the tea parties. According to my understanding of the Homeland Security report, that may make me an extremist and potential terrorist. By the way, I’m 70, a business owner and a grandmother.

What nonsense.

Linda Dean

Santa Ana


I resent the assertion that conservatives are anti-Obama because he is an African American. We are against him because of his social and fiscal policies and the large-scale drift toward government intervention in the marketplace.


If the president was a conservative, he would have gotten my vote.

R. James Mendelson

Playa del Rey


Responsible Republicans up in arms over published concerns about right-wing terrorism protest too much. No one said they were plotting against the president or planning to overthrow the government.

Aligning themselves in print and on the air as right-wing -- with groups that apparently do threaten to do those things -- isn’t real smart. Who would want to be associated with the American Nazi Party, the Ku Klux Klan or any of the bigoted “white power” militias and anti-government groups?

Some Republicans obviously feel they are. Why? Maybe because those alleged terrorist groups feed off the same rantings and ravings of bellicose talk radio and cable TV shows and propaganda publishers that Republicans favor these days.


Perhaps Republicans should clearly disassociate themselves from those groups.

KC Johnson

La Verne
